Join us for some Family Fun!

3rd Annual Pickleball Adult Event
Saturday, September 7th - Public Square Park
Join us for a fun, co-ed social mixer for Prescott’s newest sport. Our pickleball event is structured for 2 different skill levels. We will have a recreational bracket (level 2.5 – 3.75) and a competitive bracket (level 3.75 and up), 30 players in each. You’ll sign up as an individual and rotate to play with several partners. Spend the morning meeting new people and enjoying the game!
When: Saturday, September 7th, 2024
8am -10am Social Mixer starts, recreational level 2.5 – 3.75
10:30am – 1pm Competitive level 3.75 and above
Where: Public Square Park courts (at the tennis/pickleball courts)
Cost: $20 per person
Register By Credit Card: Register on Community Ed online registration site
Click link above, add to cart, view cart, check out, enter info in * fields, login or create user name/password, check out, answer specific pickleball questions, add payment info and SUBMIT.
Register By Check/Cash: Register on Community Ed online registration site
Click link above, select mail-in option, print form, fill out and mail in.
Rain Delay: move to NEW Prescott Middle School, St Croix St.
DEADLINE to Register: Tuesday Sep 3. No refunds
Call with registration questions or concerns, Penny Peterson 715-262-4676
Call with tournament questions, Patty Reuter 612-414-8855​
Proceeds go to the Prescott Pickleball group to support pickleball opportunities in our community, with a portion to Prescott Community Education. Prescott Pickleball is organized under Prescott Community Education. We promote open play times per skill level, resources and social activities while cultivating an environment that encourages camaraderie, exercise, good sportsmanship, safe play, and fun.