Join us for some Family Fun!

Vendor Show
Saturday, September 7th - Main Street, 9am-3pm
Downtown vendors - 9am - 3pm
Cost $50.00/10'X10' (Main Street)
​Lions Club Park/Children's Area - 10am - 2pm
Cost $50.00/10'X10' selling area
Food Vendors Lions Club Park
Cost $150.00
For more information, please email:
NEW Sunday morning vendor show at Lion's Club Park. More details to come but contact us for more details prescottwivendors@gmail.com
Registration Information
Mail your check (written to Prescott Daze) to: 190 Campbell St. S., Prescott, WI 54021
or Pay Online! (Note, select "Quick Pay" and in Payment Details select "Prescott Daze Vendors")
Within 7 days of receiving your completed form AND payment, confirmation will be sent to the email provided in the form. Details about the day of the event such as parking, unpacking, check-in, etc. will be sent out two weeks prior to the event.
Registration deadline to August 30th, 2024
Vendor Options
Street spot: Our vendor show is setup on main street (the street is closed during the event). These spots are prime spots but must be able to be off the street on or before 4pm when the street is mandated to reopen. The road closes at 8am that morning
Prescott Non-Profit Organizations and Downtown StoreFront Owners have free registration, but are still required to register to reserve their location.
Direct Sellers are accepted on a first registered, first paid basis. We do accept “like” businesses, but will try not to duplicate vendors at the specific Downtown and Lions Park Area but will spread them out throughout the show if we do duplicate.
Vendor parking will be on side roads and parking lots. These parking locations will be highlighted on your registration information. Parking is free and open to the public, so please manage your time wisely.
NEW Sunday Vendor Show!!!!
If you are a registered vendor for our Saturday show and would like to join us on Sunday in the Park show please email and let us know so we can reserve your spot. We will have vendors/food/activities and more from 11am-3pm in Lions park ahead of the 2pm parade. Email prescottdazecommittee@gmail.com to register.